Summer Fun at Gisborne

Plenty reasons to come to Gisborne this summer, which is promising some great weather to kick off the Xmas holidays.
The signs are here, red Xmas tree flowers abound, the cruise ships are in our harbours, swimmers are frolicking with Moko the dolphin ( very carefully we hope ) and the hoods are off the convertibles.
Just a few high lites off things to do over the next few days
for detail please check info@gisbornenz.com
26 Dec Bushmere Arms -Presents A Night In The Vines
MV Takitimu Bay Excursion --- Cruise the bay ( subject to weather )
27 Dec Steam Train WA 165 --Beach Loop Excursion
Gisborne Rodeo --- buckeru fun for the whole family--- ye ha
BW Camping Festival ---right on our sunny shores---food ---music ----fireworks
29th - 31st Dec Rythmandvines---Big bands ----big music--- BIG NEW YEARS EVE