Professional motel relievers, Ian and Ainsley have enthusiastically taken on the unenviable task of following on from Wayne and Gloria until their return in mid September. They are passionate about their role of hosting guests at White Heron Motor Lodge and enjoy the rigors of motel life.
Ian and Ainsley's hospitality is legendary and are the perfect hosts for the duration of your stay in Gisborne. They owned the business of The Sport of Kings Motel in Rotorua for 10-years and were proud to be one of the top placed finalists in the 2006 AA Supreme Host of the Year Award.
This award was "Established in 2003 by AA Tourism in association with the Motel Association of New Zealand (MANZ), the award recognizes the operators of a MANZ motel who have consistently provided high standards of quality customer service and excellent facilities. Judging is based on nominations received from members of the public who have stayed at these motels." Source: http://www.aa.co.nz/